Mental Capacity Act Training

Following the Mental Capacity Act is really important, both to safeguard the rights of people with understanding and speaking difficulties – and also to safeguard the organisations which support them.
A Mental Capacity Assessment which fails to make reasonable adjustments for a person’s understanding or speaking difficulties is null and void. Our expertise lies in identifying the Inclusive Communication techniques which help a person’s understand the issues discussed and to respond, enabling a robust and genuine assessment of mental capacity. We also able to audit and advise on processes and recording of all aspects of the Mental Capacity Act, including Best Interest decisions.
Our Services include
- Interactive & creative workshops for staff and customers
- Training in robust Mental Capacity Assessments, using inclusive communication
- Audit of Mental Capacity Act practice
- Developing policy & strategy
All our Training and Consultancy options focus on involving the people for whom the law is intended – and helping staff to empathise and think creatively about solutions. If you thought Mental Capacity Action training always has to be dry and formal, think again.
‘[The Include Choir]…in one witty song, conveyed the principles of the Act better than I have seen done in any “professional” training session’ Alex Ruck Keene, Barrister and co-author of the Court of Protection Handbook
‘Today made the process a lot clearer and made me think of ways I can alter how our clinic operates to aid a Mental Capacity Assessment.. thank you.’ Training Participant, GSTT NHS Trust
For further information, or to chat about a bespoke option for your organisation, please contact us