Mandy and Michelle are members of The Include Choir.

Mandy is Michelle’s Shared Lives carer. The Shared Lives scheme matches adults who need care with someone who can provide support. Family and community life are a shared experience for both.
Michelle and Mandy joined The Include Choir over two years ago. Before the pandemic.
Mandy says, “When we could return to choir in person earlier this year, I was unsure about how Michelle would react.
I told her just before we were to leave. She leapt from her seat shouting “choir!” She then sang the Include Choir welcome song at the top of her voice before rushing to get her coat and shoes.
She was beyond happy to return and so pleased to see everyone.

She loves to perform and being part of include provides her with a safe, friendly space to do this.
The use of inclusive communication, structure and positivity make include choir a place she can make sense of which in turn gives her confidence and comfort.

Include has really helped Michelle and myself to remember to use our Makaton and props to communicate with each other. It has given her such a great outlet to perform and feel successful.
The structure of sessions and inclusive communication has definitely improved her listening skills too.
Small charities like are the heart of the disabled community. They provide a positive, happy, inclusive place for people to be.
The work that Include does to promote rights, understanding and inclusion is something that is amazing to be a part of.

To see people’s smiles when they see the choir perform is so moving and making people with disabilities visible in such a positive and empowering way is just what society needs. “

Communications, Fundraising and Partnerships Lead