A short film about the impact of The Include Choir project

The Difference we make

Find out more about the impact that Include.org has on its members, families, training participants and the community in our Case for Support:

Our Member’s Stories

The Include Choir helps Lucia Sabri find her voice & independence!

“Watching Lucia take part in the Choir, I feel like I can step back and just be her friend, rather than her mother or her carer”.

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A photo of Include member Beth with her dog outside in the green hills of Surrey. and the words... Since being part of Include, I have gained confidence, made friends and have something to really look forward to each week; helping others, having fun, being included and having a purpose. Meet Beth Posted in: Blog, Breaking Down Barriers, Inclusive Communication, Inclusive interviews, Members-Stories, reasonable adjustments, self advocacy, Stroll and Sign, Supported Volunteering, The Include Champions, The Include Choir, Volunteering I want the world to know that there is no place anywhere that makes you feel so included, safe, comfortable, happy and purposeful as Include does. Continue Reading
Not just a Choir Posted in: Blog, Breaking Down Barriers, equality, Members-Stories, rights "I have been part of other choirs, and they tried and were nice – but it wasn’t like coming to Include. They weren’t doing anything particularly offensive, Include is just better!" Continue Reading
Friends United Posted in: Blog, Covid-19, Members-Stories, Social Communication Simon and Philip are based a long way from Include’s HQ in Surrey…but have become a big part of the Include family... Continue Reading
Sai’s Story Posted in: Members-Stories Include.org made all the difference to Sai..... Continue Reading

Hear from more of our Members on our Blog Page.

Include.org is a winner!

Include.org is delighted to have won multiple awards in 2021(and watch this space, there is more news coming)

[Image description: Folusho smiles at the camera. She has brown skin, shoulder length brown hair and glasses. She’s wearing a dark green turtleneck. End of image description.] Human rights are for everyone! Posted in: Blog, Breaking Down Barriers, Co-production, Easy Read, equality, Resources, rights, self advocacy The Include Champions group worked with Folusho from Liberty - the human rights organisation - to make Easy Read information available to all. The topic was Talking to The Police. We asked Folusho to tell us about this collaboration from her perspective. Continue Reading
Photo of Martin with his sons Josh and Ben and the workds Martin's Story - Martin is running a half marathon for Include.org Why run for Include? Posted in: Blog, Breaking Down Barriers, fundraising, run reigate, self advocacy "For me this is a cause that feels quite personal. As the father of 2 boys, Josh and Ben, who struggle with communication difficulties (more from them in the blog), I see daily the issues they face. Whether it's being talked over by people who don't want to wait for their responses or excluded altogether… Continue Reading
Include CEO Alix celebrates May 4th -an 8 balloon indicates Include.org turning 8 years old May 4th means a lot to us… Posted in: birthday donation, Blog, Breaking Down Barriers, Inclusive Communication Partner, Star Wars, The Include Choir May the Fourth is the Include Choir’s 8th Birthday. And the Star Wars phrase "May the Fourth be with you" is also very relevant...here's why... Continue Reading
A photo of Include member Beth with her dog outside in the green hills of Surrey. and the words... Since being part of Include, I have gained confidence, made friends and have something to really look forward to each week; helping others, having fun, being included and having a purpose. Meet Beth Posted in: Blog, Breaking Down Barriers, Inclusive Communication, Inclusive interviews, Members-Stories, reasonable adjustments, self advocacy, Stroll and Sign, Supported Volunteering, The Include Champions, The Include Choir, Volunteering I want the world to know that there is no place anywhere that makes you feel so included, safe, comfortable, happy and purposeful as Include does. Continue Reading
Meet Sarah… Posted in: Blog, Breaking Down Barriers, Co-production, Inclusive Communication I am Choir Rep for our new Epsom Include Choir. I would say to anyone; “come along – there is cake, it is fun and everyone is helpful.” Continue Reading
How do you run an Inclusive Quiz? Posted in: Blog, Breaking Down Barriers, Co-production, Easy Read, fundraising, fundraising quiz, Inclusive Communication, Inclusive quiz, Resources Find out more about our multi-sensory quiz format and download the Easy Read TV Quiz round for free! Continue Reading
There is no magic wand! Posted in: Autism, Blog, Breaking Down Barriers, equality, fundraising, run reigate, The Include Choir, training Include Choir member Martin helped raise nearly £4000 for Include.org at #RunReigate 2022! Here he shares his personal journey...and talks about why he did it Continue Reading
The Run Reigate Journey Posted in: Blog, Breaking Down Barriers, equality, run reigate, sensory race, The Include Choir It's not that everyone wants to aim for the longest distance, or the fastest time that makes events like Run Reigate or Parallel London truly bonding for the community. It’s creating a space for all the personal magic moments that happen along the way... Continue Reading
How has life changed for people with learning disabilities? Posted in: Blog, Breaking Down Barriers, Easy Read, equality, Jubilee, Learning Disability Week, Resources This month, between the Diamond Jubilee and Learning Disability Week 2022, our Champions Group has been reflecting on how life has changed for people with learning disabilities during the Queen’s reign... Continue Reading
Not just a Choir Posted in: Blog, Breaking Down Barriers, equality, Members-Stories, rights "I have been part of other choirs, and they tried and were nice – but it wasn’t like coming to Include. They weren’t doing anything particularly offensive, Include is just better!" Continue Reading
2021 Young Volunteer of the Year Award Posted in: young volunteer In 2021, The Mayor of Reigate and Banstead .... Continue Reading

and it’s not the first time…

RCSLT Giving Voice Award Posted in: Giving Voice Award 2019 - Royal College of Speech and Language ...... Continue Reading
Trustee of the Year and Volunteer Team of the Year Award Posted in: Awards 2019 Trustee of the Year and Volunteer ..... Continue Reading

More Articles

We are delighted that the value of our work has been recognised by a number of National bodies over the years including:

Improving Communication Skills

The Royal Society for Public Health

The Social Care Institute of Excellence

The People’s Health Trust

Impact Report 2019

Read our Impact Report to learn more on who we are, what we do and how The Include Choir make the world more welcoming for people with understanding and speaking difficulties.